Wavemaps pricing plans
Serious data and forecasts for dedicated watermen and waterwomen
Free plan
or $0 yearly
5 day global forecast maps
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Don't worry, we're in beta, it's free - just use Wavemaps!
Waterman plan
Free (for now)
16-day global forecasts maps
Access to all forecast videos
Unlimited access to all Wavemaps Nearshore Dashboards
Money back guarantee: if you don't think we are the most detailed, most accurate, most advanced wave modeling system - you'll get yor money back.
Don't worry, we're in beta, it's free - just use Wavemaps!
Enterprise plan
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Enterprise-scale products:
Custom dashboards and forecast systems
Operational access (every 6 - 12 hours) to WAVEMAPS ultra HR propietary model runs
Event-specific ultra high-resolution forecasts and visualizations
Historical analyses
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